Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dr.'s appointment!!!

Ok so we saw Dr. Shriner this morning, we had our usual Non Stress Test, and that went well! Then we met with the doctor and got checked, I am 3 cm dilated still 75% effaced and Claire's head is "engaged" which means she's in the birth canal! They way I understood it was that there is a scale ranging from -4 to +4 and she is at 0. So not too much longer to go! My doctor seemed to think that she will go by her due date ! So we will see, she said she didn't see where we will need to induce or anything which is reassuring! We want to try this baby au natural!! So we got to come home and then I decided I needed a pedicure before she gets here! and I thought it might help to get one too because of the reflexology stuff. Who knows??! We are hoping we will get to meet our little girl soon, my contractions have started getting closer together!! So hopefully we will be in Wooster soon. I have been walking and I think that has been helping with her progress. We go back to the doctor on Monday morning so I will let everyone knows how that goes(if we make it) Keep your fingers crossed!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

1 week to go!

So we have 1 week until our due date! We were hoping she would be here already but we are impatient. I have been doing some of the old wives tales to start labor but we are still pregnant! I've been eating spicy food, bananas, kiwis, pineapples, walking, squatting, so that's why they are old wives tales. Mitch and I are definitely getting excited, her room is ready and I'm pretty sure we are prepared for the great event! Mitch and I talk to her every day and tell her we are ready when she is, so she must not be ready just yet. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday if nothing happens until then I'm hoping we will go in and they will be like OMG you are 4 cm dilated and 100 effaced lets admit you now! haha but we all know that isn't going to be the case. I'm pretty sure my doctor goes one week after the due date so we will hopefully have lil Claire before St. Patricks Day no matter what! So we are playing the waiting game which is good and bad, I'm afraid to buy food because I know when I buy stuff we won't be here and it will go bad. And making a menu for the next two weeks is hard because I don't know when we will be here. So not being able to plan ahead is hard but comes along with the having a baby! I will try to keep everyone updated as things progress, hopefully sooner than later but whenever she's ready we are ready for her!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Getting CLOSE~!!!

Well we are about 2 weeks away from our due date! We had an exciting weekend, Cousin Brayden arrived on Saturday, A Valentine's Day baby! We also got to see Matt, Desi, and Landon! So we had a nice weekend, but we are still recovering from all the excitement. I had a little bit of a dizzy spell this morning, but my doctor didn't seem to be concerned. I just need to make sure I'm getting enough protein! I had a doctor's appointment today and everything is looking good! My uterus is measuring almost 40 weeks, and I am dilated 1 cm almost 2cm and 75% effaced! So it was nice to hear that there is something going on down there! She has definitely dropped, and if she drops anymore she's gonna be in between my knees! We had our weekly Non Stress Test and Claire was sleeping during it, so they had to wake her up. They put a buzzer on your stomach and buzz the baby. She was NOT happy about this! Claire was happy sleeping but after they did that she seemed to be doing great. They couldn't get us in for our next appointment until next Thursday, which Mitch and I were joking if we make it until then. We are thinking it's gonna be the end of this week or beginning of next week. But whenever Claire is ready we are! Stay tuned for any updates! As for now we are just relaxing and waiting for her arrival!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What a Crazy NIGHT!

So, Monday we went in for our WEEKLY(yay) prenatal visit and got to do an ultrasound too. Claire is growing!! They estimated she was 6lb 15 oz but my doctor told me not to bet on it, because they can be off when guessing the weight. She kept looking at us and it was soo cool! I can't wait to meet her! Again her movement had slowed down, and so we did a non stress test, and that is where the fun started! Her heartbeat was 190's to 200's and wouldn't come down. So after having me hooked up in the office they decided to admit me and put me under observation in labor and delivery. My dad was there with me thank god! So we went to Labor and Delivery and they had to do an IV, which I was scared to death because of my veins, 9 pokes later I had a lovely iv in my shoulder! It was definitely not a fun experience, but now I know where they can put the IV during labor, so that is a good thing. They also took blood and my white blood cell count was elevated which means I had some infection. I had been fighting a cold and my doctor and I came to the conclusion that was why. Claire's heartbeat started to come down after the IV was in for a bit. My doctor then decided to keep me over night to make sure everything is ok, and to get blood in the morning and see what happen to my counts. Mitch got to the hospital around 5(we were admitted at 330). My dad stuck around for a bit then he left and we found out about 7 that we would be spending the night! I felt bad because every time I had to pee I had to wake up Mitch to help me unplug everything. Early in the morning someone came to try to get my blood, and she did get it but it took a while. My poor hands and arms are soooo swollen from being a pin cushion. Around 9 this morning we got the good news that my white blood cell counts had gone down but I need to monitor my temperature and her movement. Then we were given the OK to go home! So no Claire today, at first I was kind of upset I think because the whole fiasco, but she will come when she's ready. I just know it's getting hard on Mitch and I but that's ok. For now we just have to wait and we have 3 weeks left which will be a LONG 3 weeks I am sure. Now we just have to wait for Brayden's arrival, which will hopefully be soon! So now we are home resting and Mitch went to work for a half day. And I plan on laying low for a few days until regain my energy and catch up on my sleep! I am still calling for Friday 13th haha, I told Mitch it will be this weekend or next week because my doctor will be out of town. But who knows?! We will keep you all updated if anything new comes up, as for now we wait until next Monday.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The profile and the belly

I forgot to put up a picture with the last blog. Mitch's mom is thinking that I dropped, I think I might have but I'm not sure, what does everyone else think? I'm excited about Monday and our ultrasound, and to see if I've dilated at all. It is sooo cold today but tomorrow and Saturday is suppose to be warm and sunny!! So Mitch and I will be putting in the car seat hopefully on Saturday and then we will be READY for her arrival!!! We are anxiously awaiting Claire's cousin Brayden, Heidi is due in one week, who knows maybe they will be in the hospital at the same time??!! I will update on Monday after our doctor's appointment, probably in the evening and hopefully I will have some pics.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

9 months is here!!

Hello Everyone well we have reached the 9 month mark!!! If Claire were to come next week she would be considered full term, but I don't think she will be here that soon, maybe valentines day weekend,(or our luck Friday the 13th) but who knows!! I went to the doctor's on Monday and everything looks good, she just wanted to make sure I was ok after last week. Which I am fine, just a little anxious. Claire has been moving around like no other, Mitch said she is dancing(I don't know why). I almost fell on some ice Monday morning and I think I pulled my groin (fun stuff). I could barely walk yesterday and getting up and sitting down was definitely a challenge. My doctor said you can't really do anything for that except rest, maybe a hot bath, or warm wash cloth. I'm afraid if I could get into the tub I wouldn't be able to get out but I might try that tonight when Mitch is home. Last night I put a heating pad on low for just 10 to 15 minutes a couple times and that has helped. My doctor did say that they think she flipped so she is no longer breech! I was glad to hear that, and next Monday we will do an ultrasound to see her positioning and weight and all that fun stuff!! I'm hoping that I'll be able to get a look at her hands and feet possibly since we haven't seen them since 21 weeks. And maybe a look at her face since we all keep wondering who she will look like?! My Mom and Grandmother both had dreams that she looked like Mitch, and I had a dream she looked like me. So I guess we just have to wait it out, which 28 days doesn't seem like a long time but I'm sure it will drag! I'm on my weekly visits!! Which is very exciting and means that we are close!!! Mitch and I have changed bedrooms! haha we have been sleeping in our living room for the past 1 1/2 weeks or longer. I sleep on the recliner and he sleeps on the couch, it's cute, he says he can't sleep in our bed without me, I guess I have a keeper. O and the bird is out there too with us, I think he really likes being out here better than our room. Other than that we have been trying to relax and make sure we are ready for Claire's arrival. The bags are packed, and her room is ready to go along with the bassinet in our room. I'm doing pretty good sleep wise, I get up to pee quite a bit but I seem to fall asleep quickly. I'm swelling a little bit, ok a lot on my right foot, which is kind of weird you would think both feet would swell the same. My hands have swelled a little bit also, but nothing horrible. Other than my groin pain I don't have a lot to complain about, I was scared about the swelling and my blood pressure going up but my doctor said they will monitor it and it isn't something scary until there is protein in my urine. So that was a little bit of a relief. All I know is I am ready for this little girl to be in our lives, I'm ready to meet her and see what she looks like! We aren't dilated yet but I'm hoping to be 1/2 cm to 1 cm next week we will see!! We will try to keep everyone updated with all the news as it happens!