Monday, March 30, 2009

A little over 3 weeks!!

I can't believe Claire is already 3 weeks! (Almost 4!) She is so amazing and does something new everyday! She is more active she likes to look around and coo. We also discovered yesterday that she likes to roll to her side!! I couldn't believe it! Grandma Tracy thinks she will be rolling over soon, but we will see. We got a really cute picture with her and cousin Brayden. It was so much fun to get them together and we can't wait to get her with the other cousins. She has been having issues with her weight we had to take her to the doctor on Friday to check her weight and she was only 7 lb 11 oz. She is suppose to be back at her birth weight by now, so we have to take her this afternoon to check her weight again. We have been breast feeding then supplementing with formula or breast milk if we have enough to help her get more weight on. She went to the doctor today and she was 8 lb so the doctor was really happy with that! So we don't have to go back for 2 weeks! I have some pictures and a video too, she loves lying in her crib with her stuffed animals and mobile going(don't worry we watch her, we don't leave her alone with all those animals!) She actually slept from 9:30 to 5 last night! Mitch and I were shocked and are not holding our breath that she will sleep like that every night.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

2 weeks!!!

I can't believe we have had Claire for 2 weeks!!! She gets cuter everyday!! We have been working on her feeding, since she has not gained her birth weight back yet. She was 7 lb 8 oz on Thursday when I went to see a lactation consultant. So we have to feed her as much as possible, and supplement with formula. Which I don't care just as long as she is healthy. The past few days she has been doing awesome with eating, we have had plenty of wet diapers and poopy diapers too! She got behind since it took so long to get her tongue clipped, then the past Sunday I had a fever, which we were guessing was mastitis. Since we caught it soon enough I didn't get it too bad. My mom stayed with us this week and it was amazing help! I'm kind of scared to be doing everything on my own next week, but I'm feeling pretty good about it, plus my dad will be more than willing to come over I am sure. Claire is our source of entertainment these days she smiles, and tries to keep her head up. She is also starting to talk a little bit, she loves being center of attention. Each day she is changing, which is kind of sad! but exciting all at the same time. She lost her umbilical cord on Wednesday so she got her first bath! We couldn't find the umbilical cord so we figured it was in her clothes, or our bedroom but it was still MIA. Then my mom did some laundry and thought we had some banana in our washer, turns out it was Claire's cord!! We all had a good laugh! Claire goes to the pediatrician on Friday so we are hoping her weight will be close to her birth weight by then. Our lives are amazing at the moment and we are loving our little girl!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Claire is no longer tongue tied!!

Yesterday, St. Patrick's Day, Claire had her doctor's appointment with Dr. Grimes and he clipped her tongue. She did cry a bit when he put the clamp on her and a bit after he clipped it, but I fed her and she calmed down. Mitch started back to work this week, and my mom has been staying with us! Thank God, because Claire has had a few nights that I might have spent crying with her. Her feeding is starting to get better and she is changing every day. We are thinking that she looks like her daddy. She is more alert, likes to coo, and if we are lucky we get a smile our of her. Even though we know she involuntarily smiles it makes our hearts melt! We love her so much!!! Especially showing her off! So don't be shy about coming over just give us a call! I can't believe she will be 2 weeks on Friday, o how time does fly!

Friday, March 13, 2009

One Week OLD!!!!

OMG!!! Does time fly or what??!! I can't believe we have been so lucky to have our little Claire Bear for a week! We are sleep deprived but it is so worth it!! She is too cute!! She has been changing everyday!! We went to the pediatrician on Monday and she weighed 8 lb 1 oz, which is normal. We got to go to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor today for a consultation for getter her tongue clipped, she is very tongue tied. It interferes with her latching on to feed, and can lead to speech problems and dental issues down the road. So they will be clipping her tongue on Tuesday, St. Patty's day!! We are learning every day what works for her and what doesn't. I'm working on putting up a slide show I am having issues right at the moment, but hopefully it will be working soon. WE have sooo many pics I want everyone to be able to enjoy them!! Mitch goes back to work on Monday, I am kind of bummed but my mom has taken the week off from work so hopefully I will have together enough by next monday to do it myself! She has her appointment at Cleveland Clinic on May 7th they will be doing X-rays and probably consult us on what the surgery may consist of, so we are excited. She is so precious to us, we can't believe how lucky we are to have her in our lives!! I will try my best to keep this updated as she grows and gets even cuter!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Claire Addison Richey is HERE!!!!

Friday, March 6th, 2009 at 5:57 PM Claire Addison Richey decided to come into the world, weighing an amazing 8lb 12 ounces and 21 inches long! We were all surprised at how big she was but she is the most beautiful girl in the world!(to Mitch and I atleast!) We went to the doctor on Friday because we thought my water may have broke but we weren't sure. We got to Wooster and found out that possibly my water broke and I was 4 cm dilated and almost 100% effaced, So we were admitted to the hospital 10:30, I got an epidural around noon and 12:30 they broke my water. The epidural worked really well because I couldn't feel anything which wasn't the best feeling but we got her out! At 5 we started to push we were close to having a C-Section because her heart rate was getting too high but everytime I pushed it went down. She is absolutely amazing and has the sweetest cry! It breaks our hearts when she does cry. Breast feeding has been a bit of a challenge she is tongue tied and loves to fall asleep as soon as she is latched on. We are working very hard at it and each day we do make more progress. We got to leave the hospital on Sunday at 7 pm and now are trying to get into a routine(haha if that is possible). Here are some pictures of our precious girl!!! I am sure many pictures are to follow!

Monday, March 2, 2009

1 day to go?? We hope

So we had a doctor's appointment today, I didn't have it with my doctor but that's ok. I'm 2 1/2 to 3 cm dilated still and 90% effaced! and my cervix is upfront?? I don't know what that means but I'm guessing good. We have an appointment next Tuesday if we don't have her by then. Mitch and I are both ready but apparently Claire is not ready quite yet. I would think we would be discussing inducing if we make it to next week's appointment, I'm hoping we don't have to make that choice, but we will see. Maybe she will be on her due date??? We will try to keep everyone updated!