Monday, March 30, 2009

A little over 3 weeks!!

I can't believe Claire is already 3 weeks! (Almost 4!) She is so amazing and does something new everyday! She is more active she likes to look around and coo. We also discovered yesterday that she likes to roll to her side!! I couldn't believe it! Grandma Tracy thinks she will be rolling over soon, but we will see. We got a really cute picture with her and cousin Brayden. It was so much fun to get them together and we can't wait to get her with the other cousins. She has been having issues with her weight we had to take her to the doctor on Friday to check her weight and she was only 7 lb 11 oz. She is suppose to be back at her birth weight by now, so we have to take her this afternoon to check her weight again. We have been breast feeding then supplementing with formula or breast milk if we have enough to help her get more weight on. She went to the doctor today and she was 8 lb so the doctor was really happy with that! So we don't have to go back for 2 weeks! I have some pictures and a video too, she loves lying in her crib with her stuffed animals and mobile going(don't worry we watch her, we don't leave her alone with all those animals!) She actually slept from 9:30 to 5 last night! Mitch and I were shocked and are not holding our breath that she will sleep like that every night.

1 comment:

Brad, Danielle and Chloe Kell said...

Oh my! She is just so cute. They grow too fast!! It's just wrong. And very exciting! Can't wait to meet her and introduce her to her cousin!!