Monday, December 7, 2009

A Life Changing Day!

Today was a very long but very EXCITING day for Little Miss Claire! She got her casts off and we got to see what the magical Dr. Seitz did! He is so awesome! She has two "actual fingers" on her right hand and a thumb nub, and a first finger nub. She will be a getting a brace to grow those fingers in possibly 6 months. Her left hand he couldn't split super finger so she has super finger, thumb nub and finger nub. Her foot looks so good! Her big toe is straight! and he sewed up the middle, It looks great! Our day started out rough, we started by taking the casts off, She was NOT happy. She then went to X-rays next.....That really made her MAD. But her day did get better after that, she got her first sucker......I know that is horrible but Tyler made me do it! (Tyler is a 2 1/2 year old boy from New York that has a brace on his hand, like the one she will be getting soon. He was born with his first finger and thumb fused together. They had surgery on the same day and every time we have been back he has been there) He brought over some safety pops and insisted Claire have one to make her feel better, and BOY did it make her HAPPY! We then waited to see Dr. Seitz to remove the pins, which he did very quickly but Claire was not loving that! We then went to an Occupational Therapists to show us how to clean her hands and foot, and she gave us a wedge to put in between her split fingers so that they are separated when she sleeps. So we arrived at Cleveland Clinic at 11 and left around 2:30...We were all tired, especially Claire. A big Thank You to Fredpa and Grammy! We couldn't have done this without your help! Claire is trying to crawl but is a little unsure because of her hands but had no problem pulling up on to furniture. So I am guessing she will be doing everything she was doing before by Thursday. She got a Bath tonight and absolutely loved it!! We let her play for about 15 minutes before her "Actual Bath" and the smile on her face was priceless ( and the way she smelled afterward was too!!) The first time we put her down she saw a pony tail holder and grabbed it! I think it brought tears to both Mine and Mitch's eyes, just because we know before she would have struggled to grasp that and now she can do it with ease! We are so excited to see what she will be able to do! We are so proud of her and she is one tough cookie! I will try to post some pictures tomorrow. Here is one of the videos we filmed with Mitch's phone, ENJOY!

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